Glad it's over, if I'm honest
8 October 2015
THIS IS ENGLAND '90 is the final instalment of the Shane Meadows written/directed hit TV show. It follows on from the 2006 film and the '86 and '88 TV miniseries, tying up some loose plot ends and introducing the characters into the rave scene of the early 1990s.

Sadly, the law of diminishing returns has ever been the case with these TV spin-offs and '90 is the worst yet. Out of everything that happens on screen - and we're talking about four and a half hours of running time - there's only one decent sub-plot, and that one involves the inimitable Stephen Graham. Yes, this miniseries sees the end of the Combo character arc, and it's as hard-hitting and superbly acted as you'd expect from Graham.

Elsewhere, the show seems to be in the doldrums with predictable drug addiction story lines and unbelievable happy endings. I've seen people raving about the dinner table scene but for me it was just a case of histrionics in which the ad-libbed style of the production was all too painfully obvious. The characters are all rather unlikeable when we watch them do nothing apart from live for their own pleasure, although the acting talents of the likes of Vicky McClure are undeniable. Plus there's way too much stupid comedy relief here with the dumb supporting comedy double-act and endless slow-motion rave sequences (particularly in the first half) that smack of padding. I'm glad it's all over, if I'm honest, as this has been the most unsatisfying miniseries yet.
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