Review of The Walk

The Walk (II) (2015)
Compelling and Realistic
2 October 2015
This live action feature film directed by Robert Zemeckis is phenomenal! There is nothing about it that I don't like.

The Walk is set in 1974 and is about a high-wire artist named Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who lives in Paris. He sees a photo in a magazine about the construction of the Twin Towers in NYC and gets the inspiration to walk a tight rope connecting the two buildings. This is highly illegal and very dangerous. He meets up with a girl named Annie Allix (Charlotte Le Bon) who falls in love with him and supports him with his dream. He finds a mentor and father figure in Pappa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), and five other accomplices who support him in this life or death adventure. The Walk is a true story.

The Walk is a drama/thriller with a spice of romance and comedy. Because it is based on a true story, it makes this movie even cooler and much more intense! This is also an educational movie because I didn't know much about high-wire artists until this movie. I learned that there is a lot of science and math about how the wire is secured to provide safety for the walker.

My favorite character is Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) because he is just flat-out amazing and super believable! My favorite scene is when Philippe is facing his biggest dream of tightrope walking between the twin towers. They were 140 feet apart and 110 stories high! This scene is so realistic and exhilarating that my palms were sweaty and other audience members were squirming in their seats. Philippe says that high-wire artists are never supposed to look down when tightrope walking. Does he heed his own advice?

The Walk has jaw-dropping special effects. The opening scenes in Paris are completely in black and white except for an occasional pop of color, which sets a nostalgic mood. The Twin Towers were already gone when this movie was filmed, so how did they make this so realistic? This part is truly fantastic! Watching it in 3D made it so lifelike and totally added to the intensity of the viewing experience.

I recommend The Walk for ages 11 to 18 due to the suspense and mild language. Hands down I give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars because it is so amazing! The special effects can't be beat and the acting is super strong! I loved this movie and it is definitely on my favorites list!

Reviewed by Lainey A., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.
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