Stonewall (2015)
A must-see for a number of reasons
29 September 2015
Excellent overview of what happened in NYC's Greenwich Village in 1969 when the Gay Rights Movement was given a spark thanks to Stonewall Inn patrons who refused to be abused by the oppressive thug cops one more time.

Jeremy Irvine is superb as the kid from Indiana, who's thrown out of his middle-class home for being gay. He learns what he needs to learn in order to survive on the streets in Manhattan. He connects with a group of drag queens and hustlers who are usually without money, and he also gets a view of the beginnings of the Gay Pride movement thanks to Jonathan Rhys Meyers, terrific as Trevor the Mattichine Society activist.

The movie hasn't opened and far too many comments here are from people who obviously haven't seen the film, which is a crime against art. I have seen the movie, and it works well on many levels, including as an expose of corrupt cops, an examination of the Mafia's control of gay bars, and the nature of homophobia and the closet in America.

People who are whining that the movie ignores this group or that group have no idea what's in the outstanding film, a work of complexity that dares to reveal the truth about brutish law enforcement and how the longing for love will conquer all manner of oppressive forces.

See "Stonewall" and judge for yourself.
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