Good Documentary for a Casual Fan
27 September 2015
I enjoyed this movie as an overview of the martial arts film genre; however, I must admit that I'm just a casual fan who watches these movies when I encounter them on TV but doesn't really seek them out. I recognized most of the names of the major artists covered in this film and did come away with more respect for the performers and their craft. That being said, if I'd been a devoted follower of the genre, I would've been disappointed. Even I could tell that it only skimmed the surface of martial arts films, focusing primarily on those featuring names recognizable to the American film-goers. I liken it to being a big fan of a music group who's happy that the group is finally being recognized in commercials, soundtracks, etc., but disappointed that only the group's most popular songs are used time and time again, while the lesser known, but often superior, songs are ignored.

On a final note, I found the narration and little animation shorts inserted between the film clips really poor and simplistic. I would've appreciated the film more if it had been narrated by an actual participant in the martial arts genre and if the simplistic animation segments were deleted entirely.
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