Weird but good
3 September 2015
This movie is weird. There isn't anything exceptionally special or specifically noteworthy. The animation is... I wouldn't go so far as to call it ugly, but it is very distinctive. The plot is a mish-mash of tropes stitched together in a not altogether seamless fashion. Some of the dialogue is pretty cheesy.

And yet... for about a billion different little reasons it just worked for me. The world they built, that reminded me of Cowboy Bebop and Farscape and Asimov, the music that was atmospheric and provided a perfect backdrop to the visuals(and they even managed to sneak in some Pink Floyd), the aesthetic that reminds of noir and Myst and turn of the century video game cinematics, the unconventional characters, which are totally how I imagine the future will be, the voice cast, that features so many familiar voices that do their job expertly(seriously - you've heard or seen all of them from somewhere - be that a Saturday morning cartoon, a cult-classic game or favourite fantasy/sci-fi show, or a ton of other awesome pieces of media you'd be surprised they were in).

When you are in a certain frame of mind all of these things just click together in some uncanny way that makes the entire movie pretty amazing. I doubt there are 2 people on Earth that will experience it the same way. So make of it what you will, but if you enjoy any of the above you'll probably enjoy this movie too.
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