Self/less (2015)
Very well dosed multiple genres flick about second chances
30 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This felt like an above average in depended movie and it was both entertaining and thought provoking.

Ben Kingley's role was small but just enough so Ryan Reynolds could portray him and still be creditable and it was also good for the pacing.

I don"t think this was a big budget movie and they spend their money well giving you a great story about the choices we make in life and how it could be different if we had a second chance.

The business man neglecting his daughter felt very relatable and so was Ryan Reynold's character in an attempt to save his daughter who otherwise would die because of her illness.

There are numerous surprises in this film and besides the thriller aspect you get just enough sci-fi and more than enough action.

The supporting cast did an excellent job and I especially liked the little girl because I thought she acted really natural.

The scale of it all sometimes feels a little small but it was still sufficient and probably caused by a lack of budget.

Two keywords come to mind for this and thats sacrifice and redemption.

I liked it a lot and so I recommend you'll give it a try.

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