25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Waste of the ticket money. Stay home and watch the TV instead. The opening sequence based in Amsterdam at Anne Frank's house was in very poor taste (would have scored it 3 otherwise) and I have no idea why the writers wanted to try to make funny something so serious and tragic for the child concerned. The usual boring old-fashioned type British 'comedy' where a few well known faces are included (waste of Harry Enfield's talent)to encourage people to come and see it. Reminded me at times of a poor version of what was at the time a good film 'To Sir With Love'(helped along immensely by Lulu singing the theme tune). Too many stereotypes (Battleaxe woman, fat kid, tough pupil who knows it all and done it all or perhaps has not, teacher who fluctuates from gross behaviour to soppiness). Just rubbish.
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