Flaws but Decent on Action and Plot
16 August 2015
Guardians of the Galaxy starring Chris Pratt as Peter Quill proves to be the ideal leading man, carrying the bulk of the film and making the cocky, self-centered Quill likable enough to garner our sympathies and get us to root for his redemption without dulling the guy's edge. Saldana is the perfect foil for him, cutting Quill down to size before falling for him. It's Diesel and Cooper who steal the majority of the spotlight, however; Rocket and Groot are fascinating and wonderfully realized creations, and the two actors do a superb job of acting through the CGI "makeup" to make them stand out as flesh and blood people. Cooper's approach to the killer raccoon plumbs new levels of sarcasm. Bautista also surprises; Drax is written as an alien whose people take everything literally, setting up some choice gags that the former MMA fighter-turned- thespian delivers with perfect timing and the deadest of deadpan deliveries. In the end the film has been praised and the hype has matched the praise, however the film struggles mid way and becomes a decent action film. Perhaps a second and more viewing would be necessary.
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