This movie should be buried in a very very deep hole and forgotten about
16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After much chatter on Asian social media about this movie, as well as reading the reviews on here I was quite looking forward to watching it.

It's hard to put into words exactly how terrible this donkey of a movie really is. It's that bad. It's that bad I actually created an account to write this review.

It certainly stirred emotion but in all the wrong ways, I had hatred and contempt for the main characters, androgynous unbelievable characters that spend more time trying to find the wind direction to best make their hair flow while staring into middle distance than "attack" anything. I spent more time trying to figure out their genders than worrying about the non existent character development. This would be OK if there was just enough action to carry me through, but, this brings me to my next emotion..

Laughter, non intentional I am sure, but the "titans" seemed to be a bunch of chubby men and women, taken off the street, stripped naked and asked to walk slowly around the directors apartment, in which he had filled with cardboard models of buildings. The budget seems to go on a bit of CGI at the beginning and then old boxes seemed to be the staple. I even started to feel uncomfortable toward the end as the chubby naked people had to grapple a bit.

One reviewer seemed to compare this pile of rubbish to Godzilla, no way. Godzilla was never this bad and never took itself this seriously.

You may now be intrigued as to just how bad this movie really can be and feel you have to watch it; please don't, it's almost 100 minutes of your life you can never get back!
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