Amy (III) (2015)
Depressing Tribute
6 August 2015
I don't really go to see cinema documentary's unless they have a film related theme i give the others, the body swerve. I made an exception here as for what i knew of Amy Winehouse other than her very public tragic self destruction, and notoriety was her god given astoundingly deep rich and oh so expressive voice. As a film though for a none fan general viewer the film feels very long and something of a one note samba, the tone is respectful but morose and we know the film can never be a easy watch given the material much of the footage is quite remarkable and often somehow shocking in its candour. But, the story is given no joy no sense of wonder nothing to spark it into life or emotion to pull you in. I did however leave the movie theatre in no doubt that rock n roll had yet another sad victim that was dead to young and with so much potential left unfulfilled.
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