Dumb characters, average movie
12 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is actually not so bad as its rating would suggest. But I can understand why people would hate it.

The problems are related to the lighting and the actions of the characters. The movie is so dark that sometimes it is difficult to see what is going on. It is shot in a single apartment and so you never see the light most of the time. In addition, there is a plot device which says that he can only see these beings in the dark. Which makes it even worse. The beings themselves are not so bad.

The various dumb actions by the characters are another problem. I mean, seriously a crazy guy runs around with a knife, the least you would do is to calm him down and take the knife away from him. That is what logical human beings do. Instead predictably the characters here would not do that. The girlfriend says that he needs to leave but as usual he continues to stay. Because then the movie would have been over much earlier. Even after they suspect this guy's mental state, they still continue to have him in the house. I just find it all really bizarre. Another dumb thing is the stabbing of the guy. I know the filmmakers may have wanted a downer ending but the stabbing is too lame and unbelievable. Would he stab his friend in order to prevent the beings from killing him? Yeah that is real believable. In dumb movies like this, they always find some predictable reason for somebody to accidentally stab the wrong person or whatever.

The ending is predictable but in movies like this, where else could it go? The premise is not highly original so the ending is par for the course.

But other than these things, the atmosphere that is created is actually not so bad. It was an entertaining ride if you overlook the character's actions.

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