5 Flights Up (2014)
The acting is great and it was a good movie. Worth seeing but the older you are the more you will enjoy this.
7 July 2015
"I don't like our lives being in the hands of someone else." Alex (Freeman) and Ruth (Keaton) are getting ready to sell their apartment and begin a new chapter in their life. When they begin to show the space old feelings begin to come back. Now, between the visitors and looking for a new place, they start to remember the times they had together. First of all I have to say this movie was OK, but being 36, if I was about 30 years older I think I would have liked it more. The story is OK but this is a movie that resonates much more with an older crowd do due the subject matter. The acting is great and it was good but many of the subtleties were lost on me since I have never been through something like this. Overall, worth seeing but the older you are the more you will enjoy this. I give it a B-.
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