Review of The Chair

The Chair (2014)
Bad timing, unfunny scenes, poor editing
22 June 2015
The documentary is OK, so if you want to see/learn of the behind the scenes dynamics of doing a movie production, go ahead. Of the two full length movies that came out of this, Hollidaysburg by Anna Martemucci and the other by Shane Dawson, Anna's has clearly the heft of an attempt at making a 'real' movie. Shane's feels like a long YouTube video. The delivery timing of pretty much all dialogue is obviously by inexperienced actors (nobody's fault except the genius that decided to shoot in Pittsburgh - this created the problem of having a very limited pool of acting talent as addressed by many on the documentary). BTW, I am not dissing Pittsburgh; I love the way the city is portrayed, so it is now on my travel bucket list, true that! To restate a point made by another reviewer here, "They both retreated to their comfort zones, Shane made a 90-minute YouTube sketch and Anna made a 90-minute student film." My only consolation is that I got to watch this by borrowing the DVD collection from my public library. Had I paid for this, buying or renting it, I would have thrown in my own mouth, to borrow a topic often heard of in one of the movies.
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