Review of Entourage

Entourage (2015)
A 2-hour episode of Entourage
15 June 2015
People who walked into the theater expecting to see something different only have themselves to blame. The show and the movie are both lifestyle porn - nice cars, scantily clad women, carefree lifestyle and, of course, gratuitous nudity and use of profane language. That's it. It is not bringing any artistic merit to the table, but nor is it claiming to be. To put it bluntly - if you were a fan of the show, go see it, it's pretty much more of the same. You get some cameos from whoever flavor of the month is today, E deals with girl problems, Drama is being Drama, Ari provides much needed comic relief. Lloyd is just there for diversity, I guess. If you haven't seen the show or didn't like it for whatever reason - go see something else. It's not for you. Trust me.
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