Suspense Theatre
10 June 2015
This is another one of my favorite TV shows of all time and it's also another one of my favorite anthologies. Believe or not this show in a way is a bit of another childhood relic of mine, I've seen reruns of this show when I was about 9; this show for me not just introduced me to the master of suspense himself Alfred Hitchcock but also this show was the first suspense thriller I've ever seen.

Not a lot to say, I really love the theme song which is one of my favorite theme songs of all time, it fits the nature of the show it's a bit of a strange almost quirky tone because it both humorous and mysterious at the same time.

It's always fun whenever Alfred Hitchcock always introduces each story with his drollness and dry humor, which I'll admit is something I sorely miss in most anthologies.

And I really like most of the suspense stories, each of them were always a surprise and each felt like they were in the same spirt as Alfred Hichcock, from the dry black humor, twist endings, deception, flawed or untrustworthy protagonists, you name it it's all there if your a fan of his films.

The stories always kept me in suspense because of how layered it truly is giving it a sort of three dimensional. I knew what I was getting but never entirely sure of what I was about to get next. It was even more suspenseful because each of the situations felt like something that could happen to anyone, made me grateful I never was or even intent to ever get myself in that kind of fix. But also wonder how the heck the protagonist is going to get him or herself out of the fix, let alone if I was even in that fix if it's possible I could get out of it.

Let alone those endings at time real brought me over the edge as most of them were always twists, it really gave the show a sense of unpredictability because due to how the story was going you honest felt like the end result could go north or south on itself in a heartbeat.

There are dozens of memorable episodes that really had me on my toes and really gave me a lasting impression. "Beta, Gamma, Delta" where a fraternity plays a cruel prank on one of the members, but as an old saying goes the joke is on them. Another which is my favorite story is "Man with a Problem" on a guy that is about to jump off a building unless one single cop can successfully talk him out of it. It was a 50 50 situation, I honestly felt like things could go either way. One moment that was blackly funny was when some blowhole teenagers were yelling to the guy to jump, it's pretty much the classic tempting of fate.

Well I've said enough, Alfred Hichcock Presents is a masterpiece theatre of suspense.

Rating: 4 stars
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