Sense8 (2015–2018)
An incredibly original idea with some seriously thrilling stories
6 June 2015
There are few people who can make good and bad films quite as polar opposite as the Wachowski's. They made the Matrix but almost destroyed their genius reputation with the follow-up films. Now they produce a series Sens8 which I must admit crept up on me. I don't like watching or reading previews because the wait kills me when I see something I really like. Such a film is Sens8.

It is an incredibly well written story. It's familiar to those of us who watched The Matrix, because of the philosophical and dramatic moments that pepper the storyline. When it came out on Netflix, I literally binged the entire first season. It's so well written that the director's even add ultra-realism, such as the feedback echo when two callers use their phones to call each other, along with many others. There is also some wonderful humor in this show - including a scene where a machismo-infused actor empathizes with another "sens8" who is on her period.

The story is that multiple people suddenly discover that they are beginning to share mindsets. They begin to appear to each other, especially when one is in trouble. Such a simple premise but it opens up so many possibilities for story lines.

I love this show and really urge you to watch it. You'll be glad you did.
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