5 Flights Up (2014)
21 May 2015
I expected a quirky little movie here. The summary seemed to be something that would interest me. Boy was I wrong.

So basically, an older couple is looking to sell their New York City (Brooklyn) apartment. Why? Well, because it has five flights of stairs and they are a little concerned about their health. OK. Reasonable enough. As far as I know, they have no other reason. They both do not particularly want to move, in fact they love their apartment. Right, so why are they moving? oh yea, the stairs.

The movie continues by showing how the couple moved to the apartment over 40 years ago, it shows flashbacks of their earlier years and all the fond memories they have. But, you know, 5 flights of stairs. The have an annoying as hell real estate agent who has an open house in their apartment. For some reason, everyone, except a sweet little girl are a$$holes. Everyone. I'm not sure why they made it this way, but they were all jerks. I didn't get that. Unless that's how the general populous of NYC is considered? No idea. Never been there Then they start looking for a new apartment. They find one they like, even though they say nothing will ever be as good as our apartment (then why the f*^k are you moving?!!!). I was almost shouting at the TV about how idiotic this move is! It's all about two people moving, who don't want to move. And if you can't guess what happens in the end? let me just say that there is no point to this movie. None.

Oh, and for some reason there's a dog who has surgery and a potential terrorist.

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