23 May 2015
Although I said before that I would probably never do this again, I lied. The movie is watchable, and in my wife's opinion (which I respect) was 'nice'. It's not all the horrible things that the 'critics' say it is. It is a 'nice' movie and was watchable for a movie night that I had no idea what to pick which usually results in me picking a movie that I think might be good but for no reason other than I think "why not?". Sometimes it really works out, most of the time it doesn't, but it's never 'bad'. This movie is in the 'it's not bad' category. Dang, once again I'm hit with the 10 line minimum and I really thought I could get past it via the old 'high school essay method' of double spacing my response. Sadly, it doesn't work. They reformat your text. So I have to babble on just to qualify. Seems a little silly, doesn't it?
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