These Three (1936)
Ill effects of gossip
26 April 2015
I'm sure that Lillian Hellman when she sold the screen rights for The Children's Hour she had to know that her play about lesbianism would be totally changed by Hollywood. The Code was firmly in place now and even a subject that might be just hinted at would be forbidden now. For the three decades homosexuality could at most be discreetly hinted at.

Bearing that in mind These Three now changed to be just a heterosexual triangle with Merle Oberon, Joel McCrea, and Miriam Hopkins was a decent drama about the ill effects of gossip. And the gossiper received an Oscar nomination.

Oberon and Hopkins are teachers at a girl's school and Oberon is keeping company with Doctor Joel McCrea. But one night quite innocently McCrea is seen with Hopkins where they live by one of the girls. Bonita Granville had been chastised earlier on so now the evil little teen starts some gossip and as a result These Three have to defend themselves against something non-existent. That's usually the worst thing you ever have to defend yourself against, something totally made up.

William Wyler directed this one with sensitivity and taste. And he lived long enough to direct the real version of The Children's Hour in the Sixties. Miriam Hopkins appears in both in different roles.

Bonita Granville got an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress in the first year Supporting players were categories. But she lost to Gale Sondergaard playing a wicked adult in Anthony Adverse.

It's a good film but not as good as The Children's Hour. How could it be?
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