Review of Girl House

Girl House (2014)
Just Another Girl in Peril Movie
18 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping GirlHouse would stand out among the numerous teen slasher films but that wasn't the case. It's just another typical girl in peril film. Nothing new with this even with the supposed digital tech thing that doesn't add to the equation.

What annoyed me most was the use of headphones in this film. Why of why do these idiots where headphones all the time when you know they are about to get killed? The tech guy wears headphones while walking though the woods. One of the girls wears headphones while working out. And one of the girls wears ear buds to bed. Is that the formula to these types of movies, wear headphones because you're about to be murdered by a Jason Vorhess type killer.

And here is the other annoyance, why must all cellphones be put on vibrate when just about nobody does in real life? It's just dumb to think that this chick would put her cellphone on vibrate while carrying it in her purse. I even seen this in other films where somebody has their cellphone on vibrate while sleeping and phone goes off and they don't hear it. Why have it next to you at all if that's the case.

And here is another annoyance, when they do attack the killer, why don't they do follow through? They hit the killer one time and knocks him down. FINISH THE JOB LADIES!! But NOOOOO!! He of course gets up and kills again, it's only after there is one lone survivor do we see this happen. He gets his head bashed in repeatedly to end the carnage.

This was so disappointing and you wonder why people talk back to the screen when you see imbeciles being killed. You hope they hear you scream at their stupidity. The Girlhouse factor in itself was boring as well, there was no eroticism in the girls' performances that would have at least made this worth watching. It's like having strippers who don't strip.
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