Excellent Documentary, Gene is a legend...
12 April 2015
I had the privilege of seeing this at its Premiere in the UK at Shefields DocFest last Summer.

Being a child of the Apollo Space Program and witnessing the step by step progress on Mans conquest of the Moon I become easily emotional these days to any footage of that magical era.

This Documentary is a well crafted piece of work and I concur with the sentiment of the previous viewer, so I won't say much more other than enjoyment is guaranteed.

What really sealed it for me on the day I viewed it was that at the end of the screening Gene Cernan was ushered in from the back of the Auditorium to a standing ovation, and I at last got to meet a real genuine Space Cowboy after all these decades.

It is mind bogglingly what these guys achieved and this film should be shown to all kids in Schools in a bid to inspire and educate them as to what can be achieved if one has the will to do it.
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