Review of Hacker's Game

Hacker's Game (2015)
The Feel of an Anonymous Hack
5 April 2015
6.8 of 10. What it lacks in the subtlety and smoothness of real-world corporate hacks and Hollywood level production, it makes up for in interesting, believable characters in an equally believable modern-day thriller minus the action.

The film captures the mystery and paranoia in choosing who your friends and enemies are in a world filled with fake people and corporate fronts. It also captures the difficulty and danger of leaking information, whether via a Wikileaks-like organization or an "independent leak" while also weaving in some romance and sex intrigue.

While I agree it makes the hacking and IP hiding a lot simpler than it is, that's not exactly new to film. Even the documentary CitizenFour doesn't get into the excruciating, time consuming aspects of hacking. That doesn't make either a bad film. Given that both don't suffer being 2+ hour movies, they definitely could explore it more.
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