Witchboard (1986)
A creepy affair
4 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know this movie has its detractors but it works for me. I am not sure about cheesiness though. Is it really as cheesy as what people say? Some people seem to be annoyed that it didn't go the comedy route but I am not interested in that at all. I think we have enough lame horror comedies as it is.

Tawny Kitaen is gorgeous here. I had a slight crush on her since I am a fan of 80s rock and she seemed to be a fixture on the music videos. She was at her peak here so that is one reason to watch this. There is one nude scene too. I am not sure about the other two actors but they seem to have done quite a bit of work since then. Personally I liked the characters in the movie. You don't really expect likable characters in cheesy 80s horror movies but in this one, I thought the relationship between the two male characters was nice to see. In a way the woman is not so likable but her actions are understandable as part of the possession.

The movie also makes the correct decision of removing the Zarabeth character fairly early in the movie. I really couldn't stand her acting, it would have really brought down the movie if she had continued till the end.

The plot is predictable and there are no big twists from what I have seen. Still the atmosphere is built up slowly and there are not many over the top scenes or special effects to distract from the plot. I am not so satisfied with the ending though. It seems too abrupt and was disappointing a little bit. The last possession bit is also interesting and full marks to Tawny Kitaen for that. The dream sequence and the scenes close to the ending are highlights.

Overall it is a quality horror movie but maybe the ending could have been better.

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