Dragon again..... ????
11 February 2015
One of the main feature of this kind of movie is that the protagonists are always people who hold the justice above all while the antagonists play with their own set of rules. And of course the general rules of Hollywood applies as well; i.e.: the hero is always full of hesitation when it comes to make a final decision. This is so annoying when you watch a movie that defy logic of common sense. However, that is what Hollywood is all about and as long as there are suckers who will pay for this kind of video, there will be people making it.

The story begin with all the wrong theme. It start with some historical fact but then it digress into something of a fantasy which was what it was originally intended. To make it more complicated, a castle is created with the "king" who can knighted a commoner to become a knight just because this guy can collect tax for him ? And of course a dragon which looks enormous during the fight but small during rest ? To complete the fantasy, a female protagonist is created with the feature of an American Indian complete with the face tattooed with lines.

One of the things which I could not understand is why people with money in Hollywood always fall for this kind of stupid video. Don't they have any brain and common sense and choose to finance a better story....
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