If you only see one disaster movie this year - choose something else.
14 January 2015
It is difficult to tell what is the worst thing about this movie. The acting, CGI and script are all shocking. It was so bad that I created my IMDb account for the sole purpose of reviewing this movie and as soon as I'm through, I'm going to watch the last 15 minutes of it that remains. That's right - I'm reviewing an incomplete movie.

There is a scene very early in the movie where explosions take place in the sky and people are sitting down in the grass watching with interest, instead of running for cover. Obviously, covering your face with your hands is as good a method as any other when your life is in danger.

No spoilers from me - the film-makers did that already. Suffice it to say that this movie is so very bad that I couldn't keep myself away. Not even gratuitous nudity would help it - and that says it all, I think. Two stars for being so bad that I have to see how it ends.
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