The Chase (1966)
A Texas-sized Waste of Resources
19 January 2015
Clean-cut blond convict Robert Redford (as Charles "Bubber" Reeves) and another inmate escape from prison. His companion kills a motorist and leaves Mr. Redford to make it home alone, on foot. Before leading "The Chase" to his small Texas hometown, Redford leaves a great set of fingerprints on the rock his fellow inmate used to kill the hapless motorist. It doesn't look good for Redford, but Sheriff Marlon Brando (as Calder) thinks the young man is innocent. Town folk give Mr. Brando a hard time. People expect Redford will try to see his beautiful wife Jane Fonda (as Anna), which is to be expected. In best soap opera fashion, Ms. Fonda has hooked up with Redford's former best friend James Fox (as Jason "Jake" Rogers). His banker father E.G. Marshall (as Val Rogers) owns the town...

Something better should have resulted from a motion picture produced by Sam Spiegel and directed by Arthur Penn. Lillian Hellman, who re-wrote "The Chase" from a play by Horton Foote, disowned the screenplay. Reportedly, it was re-written by others. In the central performance, Brando delivers; it's likely you'll remember him mumbling "Bubber" after forgetting most of the film's details...

Early on, the director signals a creative ride by "backing up" and "parking" the camera like an automobile...

The bloody fight scene with Richard Bradford (as Damon Fuller) besting Brando, and Mr. Penn's imaginary cocktail party shoot-out are memorable. Several in the cast have good moments, with Robert Duvall and Janice Rule (as Edwin and Emily Stewart) making the most of their supporting roles. Brando gets screen time with Mr. Duvall and Ms. Rule always seems ready to fall out of her dress...

Everyone in town is anticipating the return of Redford's "Bubber" (or "Bubba"), and this is the film's main problem. Redford looks like he's auditioning for a shampoo or deodorant commercial when he's supposed to seem menacing. While less so, Fonda is another excellent performer who appears not to be at her potential. They could have given Redford a prison haircut, had him pocket a gun found on the dead motorist's body, and ordered the make-up crew show a few scars. Of course, they could have also re-cast the role. Making it worse, we spend an inordinate amount of time cutting away from the trashy and more interesting townspeople to see Redford running, jumping and swimming around the countryside. Instead of elevating tension, these excessive scenes break the film down.

***** The Chase (2/17/66) Arthur Penn ~ Marlon Brando, Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, James Fox
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