This was bad, very bad
18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I watched this to begin with was because of some of the actors in it.

Christopher Lloyd; Joel Gretsch - The 4400; Aaron Douglas - BSG; Ben Cotton - BSG: Blood & Chrome

I'm sorry I did now. This film had plot holes completely out of control! Many so glaring that they make this film hard to even watch. For instance, one in which they are going to retrieve some parts of the Iraqi tablets that had been sold to Christopher Lloyd which the female scientist found the address online as being "only about 90 miles away. So they hop in Ben Cotton's vehicle, drive for a matter of minutes, yet ANOTHER catastrophe hits in the form of a gigantic (and very fake looking) tornado in which they crash the vehicle. The female scientist is swept away and the survivors walk for a short period of time and bam! They made it most of the 90 miles on FOOT! Wow! They must have been speed-walking!

Another ridiculous part of the movie is the el-cheapo rental helicopter that the evil DOD agent played by Aaron Douglas chases them around with... It looked like a Robinson R22, which is DEFINITELY not what the government would be using. They would have swamped the area looking for the "fugitives" with blackhawks and the like.

All in all, it's a terrible movie, with terrible writing that not even veteran actors could make any better. My advice... stay away from this one!
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