Flight 7500 (2014)
A Japanese Horror that ....well was disappointing :-(
14 January 2015
Usually Japanese Horrors are up there with the top horror movies I have seen (The Ring, Grudge, etc) so when I saw this was Japanese production I had I hopes for a thrill. Unfortunately I feel for some reason the director tried to hard to please the Hollywood crowd.

Lets start with the good.... The concept and plot is fresh and interesting - horror on a plane. The tense build up to the horror is done well. The Twizzlers sticks twist.

Then the bad.... The characters are stereotypical Hollywood horror cast - young couple, goth, guy who cant wait to get some, pilot having an affair with the air hostess. When things start "happening" things get a bit confusing with "things" crossing into many horror genres it does not really make sense and just gets silly.

The ugly... Some of the acting and dialog is a bit amateurish. They could have done with a more international cast The tense build up to that horror scene - is cut away so you don't really see people fate, just screaaaammmm....cut, scccrreeeaammm... cut.
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