Life Itself (2014)
Half Medical Doc, Half Routine Bio
10 January 2015
While this played in theaters, it is very much a TV doc. Ironically, even though it is about a film critic, it isn't remotely cinematic. It is essentially a series of talking heads, photos and straight-forward digitally-shot work.

I enjoyed Ebert's work a lot, for the most part, and followed him for quite some time. It would have been cool to have met him. But, a full-length documentary on him seems to be a bit much, in a way. About half of it is about his deeply heartbreaking cancer battle in the final decade of his life.

People have said online that the medical part is difficult to watch. But, in our United States, where people are for wars and execution so easily, it is odd that the slightest images of someone facing medical issues turns people's stomachs so easily! Maybe if they had to actually see the torn-apart bodies from warfare, or the fried remnants of the freshly executed, maybe they would rethink their positions just a bit!

The highlight is a great R-rated quote about Pauline Kael! That, plus voice actor Stephen Stanton does a wildly on-point portrayal of Roger in the voice overs!

The movie is fine for what it is. But, any movie that is about movies should show a genuine appreciation for film. This doesn't. Also, it works better in its original two-hour form than in the hour-and-a-half edit on CNN.

****** (6 Out of 10 Stars)
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