Review of Taken 3

Taken 3 (2014)
This is not Taken 3, this is Parkinson 3!!!
9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever edited and filmed this, should visit a doctor ASAP.

The editing is atrocious, you can't see anything during the action scenes. Moves and hits are usually lost and you can't see who is hitting who, where, how. If you think Taken 2 was bad, this movie takes the spot at clearly trying to do the worst to suck badly.

The movie is also slow and it's less focused on action, if compared to the previous ones.

By the way, if nobody is taken, then why is it called Taken? Is it because my money was TAKEN by a crappy movie?

Bad guys appear in the first 5 minutes and then come back only after the 1 hour mark. That means we got almost 1 hour of pure nonsense.

Our hero destroys at least 20 cars, obviously killing innocent people. Nothing happens to him, he's called a hero, he is free to walk away, Such cool guy that Brian Mills!!!

This movie is a turd and you should avoid. Ah, it doesn't even have a real conclusion. If Taken 4 gets made ( you know it'll get made ), we know his grandchild is gonna be Taken. I'm serious, he now has a freaking grandchild to take care.
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