The Interview (II) (2014)
Waste of time
27 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well, where do we start with this one? Obviously I watched this film knowing what kind of attention had been drawn to it, from crazy Korean hackers, terrorists threatening to bomb theatres to the US president himself. I really hoped that after all the hype it would live up to expectations. And it failed miserably. Cheap humour, jokes and dialogues below criticism most of the time, acting...well, what kind of acting would you expect if the script is not there, the list goes on. Finally, very predictable and flat story, with a major twist easy enough to predict for a 10-year old. But worst of all - the rating. Have you people lost your marbles?! I honestly wanted to give it a 4/10 and before I went on IMDb I was expecting it to be overrated at, say 6/10, but well over 8?! And we're talking over 70 000 votes! This is an insult to cinematography and any intelligent viewer alike that such a piece of garbage should get a score of 8+. It's just unreal. Therefore I'm giving it a 1/10 in a hope that the rating will be quickly brought down to where it actually belongs. It's amazing that only because the film has a political nature, people are willing to rate it so high. Rate it for what it is, don't fool other people into paying to actually see this.
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