Review of Supercop

Supercop (1992)
Weak Story, But Awesome Stunts
10 November 2014
(I should preface this review by saying I sadly watched the Bluray release of this that only has the dubbed English track and the added rap music and what not. I also heard it has some scenes taken out and what not. A little disappointed by this copy, but oh well.)

Police Story 3 (Or Supercop) is certainly an entertaining film. Where it lacks in story, it certainly makes up for it in stunt work. Your jaw will constantly be on the floor during the action sequences.

The story here is... pretty weak. Jackie Chan goes undercover to stop... a bad guy who sells drugs? Or buys them? It can be quite unclear and confusing. So if anything brings this movie down, it would be the story.

Luckily, the film is jammed full of some amazing stunts. Chinese/Hong Kong action films almost always impress, and this film is no exception. The last 15 minutes of so has some really crazy stunt work. I have no idea how they allowed the actors and stunt men to do the things they do, because they are risking their lives by doing them. There's a fight on a moving train where they have no safety harnesses or anything. Jackie Chan hangs from a ladder on a helicopter that is flying extremely high above the city. Michelle Yeoh jumps onto a moving train on a dirt bike. It's crazy but makes the film exhilarating to watch. You feel the danger within the scene, and it's a thrill.

There's also a fair amount of comedy in this film, which is something that I can be a little weary about in action, but it works in this film. It surprisingly doesn't take away from the intensity, and it just works to make the film more entertaining and fun to watch.

This is a film that needs to be seen by action fans. It could have been stronger story wise, but it contains some stunts that many would consider among the best. Check it out if you wanna have some mindless, cheesy fun.
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