Alpha House (2013–2014)
Trudeau does have an agenda
24 October 2014
I'm now on the second season of "Alpha House" and it's as good if not better than the first. I noticed that some reviewers have said that the characters are Democrats playing Republicans but I don't think that is fair. I am old enough to remember when our political parties were not so beholding to outside money and that I had a sense that both parties were working in good faith. It's not that way now. Whatever, I enjoy this show because I see how it relates to how our politicians, GOP and Democrat, and the media work. But in a humorous vein. It's not overly cynical. I found myself admitting that I would vote for Biggs because he is reasonable. I believe that this is what Trudeau has in mind. The GOP has been taken over by right-wing extremist who answer only to big money, i.e. Koch Brothers. I hope it comes back for many seasons to come.
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