Takes privileges that distort the truth and facts
13 October 2014
I sincerely felt this to be more of a political add for Islam than a documentary, but I recommend you watch this in order to see just how well the Muslims and HBO manipulate facts and truths as the devil did in the garden of Eden to deceive the innocent into thinking the devil himself is trustworthy. I consider this 'documentary' pure propaganda with HBO having an agenda prior to its script or being fearful as most businesses are to not offend Muslims with facts and truth. Its readily known that CAIR is supported by terrorists groups but there's no mention of this, instead HBO portrays it as a humanitarian group. In one part a Muslim accuses Pastor Terry is a racist but ignores the Koran which teaches how to put Christians and Jews into slavery, torture and murder them and mutilate their women, all these things are historical and current FACTS, yet HBO chooses to ignore these foundational truths and twist the report to show the Muslims as being the ones attacked !
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