Review of Coherence

Coherence (2013)
9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
interesting and entertaining for me. have to admit that did not understand certain things, however, I had no desire to watch it again to find the answers.

please see the movie first, as I doubt that comments would make sense....

1. I think there was no enough motivation to resort to violence.

2. also, if the characters found out that interfering with another reality would destabilise the balance why would they carry on interfering, why they think that it would solve the problem, besides there is no real problem or threat, everything is based on theoretical propositions. In other words, I did not see enough evidence or necessity (even in their proposed theories) for them to think about threat or violence.

In the end one of the characters tries to knock/pass out herself from another reality, which was at the initial phase, so I thought she wanted to guide others not to interfere or give some clues but later she resorts to even more violence, which does not make sense to me, as they did not have any realistic theory, which would imply that somehow the other selves from another realities would cause trouble. anyway how hurting/harming themselves would solve the "problem", not demonstrated.

3. probably most of us would freak out in these kind of conditions but at least one of them should have been interested just to make a contact with him/herself - non of them was holding a gun or knife and non of them seemed a violent person, normal intelligent people, who I am sure would have acted differently in reality as there was no immediate or visible threat to their lives.

4. maybe there were all hallucinated by that drug, also I am sure there are more clues in the film than I noticed, especially about that drug near the end but as mentioned earlier could not watch second time. furthermore, there was a strange call right at the end, which suggests that it was not a hallucination.

it is good that the story is open to interpretations but for me the actions pursued by the characters require more motivation and reasoning than shown in the movie....
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