Entertaining enough for what it was...
5 September 2014
I found "Jersey Shore Massacre" to actually be adequately fun and entertaining, and it was a great spoof on the slasher genre. Take the movie for what it is. I mean, don't expect this movie to challenge your intellect or to reinvent the wheel or anything like that.

The story is fairly simple, well, let's be honest, it is very simple. A group of ladies go to a remote house in a forest for a getaway, and they hook up with some guys who are quite self-obsessed and interested in one thing only. Left to their own in the woods, a deranged killer is stalking the young party-loving people.

Right, that was basically the entire storyline. And yeah, it is a no-brainer in every possible way. But for its simplicity, then there is something entertaining about the movie, as there is a good sense of comedy and thrill throughout the course.

The characters in the movie were very, very generic for the slasher genre, and that was one of the reasons why the movie worked so nicely, because the characters were the summary of every single generic and stereotypical character in slasher movies past, present and future. Personally, I didn't fully understand the need to put Ron Jeremy in this movie. And I also had problems dealing with the Freddy character (played by Chris Lazzaro); wow, that was one disturbingly annoying character.

The actors and actresses were also doing good jobs with their roles and characters, despite these characters being so generic and stereotypical. And the performances by the actors and actresses also helped to boost the movie and bring it a notch upward.

I will say that the gore, blood and splatter effects were actually quite good, and they really helped to keep the movie afloat. And there is a good amount of bloodshed and violence throughout the movie without it becoming too much.

"Jersey Shore Massacre" is entertaining enough for a single viewing. I give it a 5 out of 10 stars.
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