This was not a sequel
2 September 2014
Normally I access the "sarcasm and analogy database" in order to tear apart films that I don't like, but for this one I'll attempt to make it plain: It was a very bad film! In spite of this, there were some entertaining elements but nothing to change it's status as a complete flop. My biggest issue with the film wasn't the bad special effects, the overly theatrical martial arts action or the lack of a stable plot (Seeing as the biggest threat in the film was a last minute idea of one character, instead of being a planned and looming threat). My issue with this film is that it was in no way a sequel to the first film. For starters, the main character is clearly not the same "Black Mask" from the first film. (And I don't mean that the actor was not Jet Li) Jet Li's character Simon (or Michael to his former partners) was a Super soldier from the 701 project and each participant was labeled as such; a 701. His commanding officer was the only surviving authority figure from the project (meaning the scientific minds responsible for their creation and the Military Brass who authorized it are probably dead) and he is attempting to save himself and the other 701s from a certain death; as their enhanced bodies have a shortened lifespan and each has only a year to live. The Black Mask in this film is NOT the same character. He was a Super soldier from a nameless unit, who was "created" by a giant, talking brain and the only side effect was that each subject was devoid of human emotion. (This instead of the death sentence which the 701s faced. And on a side note, the giant brain was just plain stupid. Whoever wrote that bit in, misplaced their own brain in the script and went looking for it later) Also, Black Mask's arch nemesis in this film is another Super soldier who was not at all mentioned in the first film. (Neither was the brain!!!) Also not present in this film, was the fact that the main character GAVE UP BEING BLACK MASK AT THE END OF THE FIRST FILM! As his only purpose in donning the mask and coat was to put a stop to the machinations of his fellow super-soldiers. With his job was done, he was left with either settling down in the quiet life again until his death, or finding a cure. This film's character basically moonlighting as a "Superhero" just wasn't what the first film was about. (Neither were the exaggerations of his abilities as a super-soldier, or the fact that he wasn't trying to find a cure to save his life) These elements even more so than the absence of Jet Li, gave this film an entirely different feel. I think the one redeeming quality of the film, was Teresa Herrera's character. It was a bit funny to see her acting out her Haphephobia and of course at tad ironic that she ended up having to save the main character by doing what terrified her. Other than that, this film's fantastical elements (the Wrestlers and the humanoids and the big plant-like mutant) really play well on a child's imagination and therefore would satisfy a much younger age group; I know because I first saw this film when I was 15 years old and loved it. I watched it again at age 27 and couldn't remember why I liked it as much as I did. I purchased the film because it was $3 and I wanted to see it again- it now sits collecting dust in my large collection and probably won't be watched again until I have kids who've become teens.
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