Pretty Good War Film
2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben – Dogs: Do you want to live Forever -1959

This German war film made just 14 years after the end of World War Two, deals with the Battle of Stalingrad.

A German 1st Lieutenant is sent out to be a liaison officer for German intelligence to a Romanian Division, stationed just outside Stalingrad. He quickly learns than the Germans are ignoring reports of a Soviet Army build up in the area. It looks like a major counter-attack is on the way.

Of course this happens and the Soviets smash their way through and cut off the German 6th Army and several Romanian units. Instead of breaking out of the trap, the Army stays in place. The Luftwaffe has promised to keep the 250,000 plus men supplied by air. Of course this fails to happen with the weather, Soviet flak etc interfering with deliveries. The Army is slowly starving to death.

The film follows the 1st Lieutenant and several of his men has they are drawn into the battle for survival. Their enemy is not just the Russians, but the weather, lack of food and ammo, and the bad decisions of their own High Command.

The film features quite a few well done battle scenes among the ruins, as the Lieutenant and his men are killed off one by one. There is also plenty of German and Soviet newsreel footage that is blended into the battle scenes. They likewise use quite a lot of actual vehicles, and weapons from the era, which helps the look of the film.

It is well worth hunting this rather unseen war film up, if you are a war film buff.

The cast includes, Joachim Hansen, Carl Lange, Horst Frank, Peter Carsten, Richard Munch and Wolfgang Preiss.

The director is Frank Wisbar. Wisbar had scored with another German war film in 1957, called, SHARKS AND LITTLE FISH. This one is about the German Navy in WW2. This earlier film starred several of the same cast members.
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