Among Ravens (2014)
A beautifully made and moving film.
19 July 2014
This film establishes Johnny Sequoyah as an up and coming big, big star. The script is unbelievably tight and each scene is just utter perfection. It's phenomenally well acted and produced, and the soundtrack is spot on. When they cut to Jason Isbell's God Damn Lonely Love in the bar scene I almost started clapping. And I was alone. The story itself is just great - it's tragic and beautiful and very funny. Shot entirely in Idaho, mostly in the resort town of McCall, it's visually stunning to say the least. The smoke from the ongoing forest fire seems to add the message that everything can burn, and there are relationships on fire in many different ways in this film. The ending leaves you wondering if "Joey" is Herman Hesse's Damian and you've just witnessed her coming of age. It's utterly fantastic!
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