Life Itself (2014)
Brutally frank and never boring...
7 July 2014
Even if you have no idea who Roger Ebert was or if you didn't care for his work, "Life Itself" is well worth seeing. It's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen and there's so much about it that impressed me.

This film was made in the final months of the life of Ebert and was finished shortly after his death last April. Much of the film consists of many things--an honest look at Ebert's ill health, his seriously debilitation following multiple surgeries and his imminent death. This sort of thing surely will scare away most viewers, as so many of us are afraid to take a serious look at illness and dying. In fact, few films deal with it and "Life Itself" and "Barbarians at the Gates" are two that do so...and do it very candidly and honestly. To me, this portion of the film is the best and, although difficult to watch at times, was just brilliant film making.

As for the rest of the movie, it's both a discussion of the career of Ebert as well as interviews with the many folks who loved him and his work. There are so many stories and anecdotes that make this all quite enjoyable as well.

Overall, this is a fabulous documentary and should likely be a nominee for the Best Documentary Oscar. And, it's among the very best films I've seen this year...if not the best. Not to be missed. Just be sure to have some Kleenex handy when you do see it.
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