Review of Reckless

Reckless (2014)
Tired - may be some spoilers...
5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the pilot for Reckless last night – major disappointment. The only real star of the show was Charleston itself. Beyond that the story was pretty predictable. Basically all the locals in Charleston are either corrupt snobs from the south of Broad or stupid, misogynistic rednecks, with the exception of the African Americans who are all in the projects of course… The Charleston Police Department is corrupt beyond measure, a bunch of gun toting rubes who drug and molest their fellow female officers and then have them fired when they speak out.

Every show has a saviour though… and into the fray we have a hard hitting fresh faced female attorney from the poor side of Chicago ready to take on these backward inbred rednecks, corrupt anti-bellum local politicians and gun toting misogynist policemen all by herself; taking one chance after another in the vain hope that she can bring some civilization to this swampy outpost.

Wow, now that is a fresh plot line. A brilliant and beautiful female attorney from north of the Mason-Dixon line who comes in to ram it home to the local rubes; teaching a few manners while ensuring justice is meted out fairly to her bedraggled and oppressed clientele. Why does it always have to be a female attorney from Chicago, NYC, Wash DC, Philadelphia or Boston? There aren't any great attorneys in Atlanta, Memphis, Columbia, Charlotte, Savannah, Mobile or Miami? Come on, something fresh for once… This story writes itself…

Oh right, and another thing… When the other hero goes to visit his former father in law at his law office, he and his buddies are chowing down on a bunch of crawfish. At this point I realized the writers of this drivel really don't know the difference between New Orleans and Charleston. If these were really locals their lunch would have been shrimp or oysters or possibly a low country boil. You can get crayfish in Charleston but it's not the local favourite. I guess the writers really wanted to get that image of powerful men in five thousand dollar suits sucking on crayfish heads… I personally think a better image would have been those same men shucking oysters fresh from the river – that way they would have knives in their hands. Now that would be scene right?

In any case, it's a tired genre. But I will probably continue to watch it as long as they keep showing great scenes from Charleston. I can ignore the drivel I think… or maybe I'll just mute the sound and listen to some beach music while I watch the scenery unfold. It is far better than using up IQ points trying to understand why Hollywood continues to think every city in the south is just another Big Easy
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