Review of Evil

Evil (2003)
Wonderful Movie though disturbing
21 June 2014
First off, I'm American and I have been watching some Scandinavian movies recently and I have to give two big thumbs up to the film makers from that part of the world. They have been making some amazingly powerful films.

Let me also take a shot at Hollywood. I cannot even hardly watch a movie they make anymore. They are so sexually perverted or filled with wanton violence or just juvenile writing. It really is horrible. Most of the time I start watching American movies and I just turn them off.

So there's my anti-Hollywood rant - now on to this movie.

It is difficult to watch at times and I think the main character acted a lot better than I personally would. It is so aggravatingly painful how badly people can treat other people and this movie does not pull any punches in that regard.

And still there is a certain sweetness to some of the relationships in this film - the kind you can now only see in foreign films and never from that cesspool Hollywood has become.

So I highly recommend this film though be ready for a certain level of violence.

This movie is well-written, well-acted. I think you'll like it.
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