I am not wasting my precious time on this drivel
4 June 2014
How in the hell did Micheal Madison agree to appear in this movie ? I have to say, this was one terrible and unwatchable movie, everything about it is low grade and just awful.

very poor video editing, terrible sound editing, wooden acting and awful amateur direction make this one of the worst movies i was about to see, seems everyone involved in this movie is talentless. yes i could not continue watching beyond the 11th minute of this drivel, and stopped right then and there. it was like watching an amateur video done by regular people on Youtube rather than an actual marketed film produced and released on DVD by whom supposed to be professional film makers ! i know it is a low budget film, but still i have seen many low budget movies that are way more professional and better than this.

I have to be fair and give this film 2 stars because of the remote possibility that it might have gotten better after the 11th minute, which i doubt given the repulsive, unskilled and amateurish start to it.

make yourself a favor and avoid this drivel, spend your time on something better, please
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