The title is the clue
23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this, erm, film I have only questions.

1. Why did the sailor's girlfriend's watch which was on a bracelet, also fit the boyfriend perfectly who had wrists twice as big?

2. Why did the giant shark keep jumping over the USS Missouri?

3. Why did the NOAA agent not know how to hold a gun and torch at the same time? I've seen this on NCIS etc often. What is NOAA?

4. What is a nuclear arc and why did the workers at the power station send one to Orlando, on one phone call? Could I make a call like that? How did the 'arc' hit the croc and nothing else in Orlando ?

5. Why were baby crocs or was it sharks, attack Santa Monica pier? Why don't they like piers?

6. What accent did the mine boss have? I have never heard an accent in the English language like that.

7. Why was the Australian woman wearing high heals in the middle of the Congo? Had she just arrived from Sydney, and hadn't changed; did she only bring one pair of shoes?

8. Why was a salt water croc living in the middle of Africa?

9. How did that guy know the croc or shark (forgive my confusion, it's all a blur) Was heading for Miami? Are there pre-set shark or croc sea lanes as with ships?

10. Why was the shark scanning the skies for aeroplanes to jump up at?

11. Why did the helicopter crash with the agent left for dead, then it was flying again with the same agent at the controls?

12. How much tranquiliser did it take to subdue the croc the size of a ship?

13. Why didn't the shark leave a bigger wake form its fin?

14. Why did the buildings in Miami look exactly as those in Hawaii?

That's just for starters. Great film though. It's good that they allow children to produce films as practice for when they grow up and want to do it seriously when they are older and actually know stuff.
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