Terrible even by genre standards
13 May 2014
THE ELIMINATOR is another B-movie action flick along the lines of BATTLE ROYALE and THE CONDEMNED, which sees a group of disparate fighters abandoned on a tropical island, where they'll be hunted down by armed men every night. The twist is that each fighter has his or her own sponsor backing them.

Unfortunately, this turns out to be a complete waste of time, and actually one of the worst-made films I've seen in a good while. The writing is mundane, but the direction is even worse; you rarely see films that have been edited this badly, with cameras in the wrong place and a general amateurish feel to the whole thing. The poor quality also renders the low budget action sequences a mess, and impossible to enjoy.

It goes without saying that the acting is equally bad, the cast populated by non-entities you've never heard of. The exception is poor Michael Rooker (SLITHER), who must have grabbed his pay-cheque and run, and can you blame him? THE ELIMINATOR is complete trash, impossible for even this B-movie fan to enjoy.
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