Hitch-Hike (1977)
strangely uplifting
21 April 2014
Although I have seen and rated this before, I seem not to have put in my two penny's worth and can only wonder why I shied away from this before. Maybe I just forgot or maybe because of the grubbiness. In any event, supposed, 'guilty pleasure' or not, this is an exploitation classic par excellence. David Hess and Franco Nero compete for lead role and both are in devastating form. Corinne Clery who made Story of 'O' before this and Moonraker afterwards is also most effective and the poster alongside here at present illustrates one of her more iconic moments as she steps naked from the caravan armed and dangerous. The film is beautifully made with majestic visuals, great Morriconne score and for a film with so little actual story, completely captivating direction, helped enormously by good dialogue, gobbled up and spat out by true heroes of exploitation cinema. the film is so good that although ostensibly a road movie, it takes on a life its own and grabs you as it goes. Brutal, sexy, funny and strangely uplifting.
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