It is so horrible that can make a real SEAL cry!
11 April 2014
Like one of the previous posters, I registered on IMDb just to say a couple of words about this movie (yes it is so bad). Also, similarly to some other posters I managed to watch it until some magic barrier of 15 min, no wait, I paused at 18:53. I bet I managed to watch that 2-3 extra minutes more than others because I'm ex-military special forces guy (we are tuff lol)

I wont comment on acting, Iv'e seen worse, but the whole military aspect ... simply and obviously authors of this crap had no clue about it. Those so called SEALS (no offence to real ones) can be seen in a situations that are simply ridiculous. I'm dead certain that acting like they do would get them all killed in the first 2 minutes of this fight, but it all looks like they are against a bunch of broken target dummies... hurrah! ... Well, at least they communicate well ... those fantastic silent hand signals in ridiculous moments (often confirmed by a loud shout of the other SEAL) are just priceless.

I could go on about military details that really get on my nerves but I bet this comes with the territory and people without military background wouldn't be bothered by equipment details etc. However it would be nice if the authors could at least apply some logic and think a bit! ...

OK, there is a bad guys camp, we could bomb it and kill those buggers but there are two of our operatives in there so we have to send a SEAL team to rescue them... zzzz ... so let's start the action from ... bombing the place! WTF?!

My brain just hurts :)
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