Reptile 2001 (1999)
Weird but entertaining, but is there an 'OldGary' too?
1 April 2014
DO NOT take this film seriously. Compared to this flick, even the poorer Gamera and Godzilla films are Citizen Kane when it comes to taking the film seriously.

Taken as face value as entertainment, kudos to the director for making a great popcorn cruncher.

Yes the dialogue is awkward at times- Yes the CGI doesn't quite look finished- Yes it's kinda odd a South Korean film has near only American actors- Yes the monster looks nothing like the original Youngary- But heck to all that, it's IS entertaining!

This movie falls firmly in the 'So bad it's good' category. The action scenes have a lot of hilarity going on, dialogue can be flat out hilarious, the plot, while executed a bit oddly, IS pretty original; and the monster designs aren't half bad.

I saw this as a kid and loved it for the unintentional humor as much as I did the big monster fight at the end. As for any parents who's monster movie loving kids might want to see this, this is a pretty safe film. Outside of one scene that could be a bit squeamish where (offscreen) a fossil tooth flies through a dig worker, I can't see anything in this film that would be bad for kids under 10.

If you want a film to kill time and to leave your brain at the door to have some fun, this film will for the job.

When it comes to Godzilla's numerous foreign relatives, Yonggary did pretty well for me.
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