More Zombies (Well...kinda) than Motocross in this below average film
25 March 2014
At the time of me doing this review there are 7 reviews, 4 gave it 1/10, 1 gave it 9/10 and 1 gave it 10/10 lol Here is a proper review with realistic rating.

Couple of guys and a girl go to a motocross meeting to compete, they discover one team isn't what they seem to be and they end up fighting for their lives. Thats basically it.

I only watched this for the zombies which were acceptable, i have seen a lot worse, i didn't watch it for the motocross which is just as well as what we did see was pretty lame and most of the action took place away from the track.

There is a lot of what seemed to be made up as they went along chatter, the sound wasn't good as you could hardly hear what they were saying some of the time and if the volume was high enough to hear you got deafened when any music was played and if any bikes were being ridden. Talking of the music there were some rock tracks which were fine.

To be fair considering what they had to work with and the budget it was OK, i have seen a LOT worse than this with lot higher budgets so its definitely not a 1/10 or 10/10 movie but it is below average so 2 to 4 out of 10 would be more realistic.

Overall its a movie worth checking out only if you want to for a specific reason, my reason was because i want to watch every zombie/infected movie ever made. lol and grab it if its in bargain basket or its being shown free on TV spend your hard earned money on something more worthwhile.
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