Sudden Death! (2010)
Inoffensive And That's The Problem
23 March 2014
A great idea for a short film - a musical featuring the apocalypse . It's camp , crazy and cheerful . The problem is it's a bit too cheerful , not crazy enough and not sure if it's too camp or not camp enough . The one musical I do adore is Alan Parker's interpretation of PINK FLOYD THE WALL which makes a direct connection between stadium rock and Nazi rallies . Bad taste for sure but one that does have a ring of truth and that film does have the power to polarise an audience in to two distinct camps of love and hate both towards the music being played and the shocking imagery . Here however with SUDDEN DEATH I found myself being rather bored with the on screen events . I'm not missing the point Adam Hall is making here but having a story with a virus that is " The gayest disease ever " that turns its victims in to dancing , prancing , singing , fleet footed fools there seems to be a totally inoffensive nature to everything . The potential scope to really put the boot in to those dreadful , limp wristed , mincing singers and dancers from musical theatre just doesn't seem to be there and the inoffensive nature of SUDDEN DEATH is a handicap . It's also a bit too long for its own good and when you've got sappy songs featuring romance some cynics might say the fact it exists means it's 19 minutes too long
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